Sunday Potlucks
Do you love a great meal with old and new friends? Our Sunday Potlucks, usually held the first Sunday of the month, are a great time of fellowship, food, and fun. See you there!
Be apart of what’s happening at Centerville Community Church
Do you love a great meal with old and new friends? Our Sunday Potlucks, usually held the first Sunday of the month, are a great time of fellowship, food, and fun. See you there!
Welcome to the “The Women of Easter”, a timely study that will offer us a chance to ponder the stories of the women surrounding Jesus as He headed to the cross. You will be blessed by the lessons and the fellowship at our Tuesday morning study. Join us at 9:45 for coffee & chat time, with the study beginning at 10am.
Come join us at 10am for a guided craft time, where laughter and love will abound! Bring a sack lunch and we’ll eat together when we finish creating something beautiful.
Join us on Tuesday mornings as we complete the “12 Daring Women of the Bible” study. We will meet Jan 21 & Jan 28, learning more about Elizabeth & Anna. We will not meet on Feb. 4th, but resume on Tuesday, February 11th at our regular time! We promise you will be blessed as we continue to find life lessons from these amazing women!
Join us for Christmas carols, candlelight, the Nativity story, and a chance to remember together the reason for this precious season.
Let’s meet at the Marlow’s barn and get this float all ready to participate in the Candy Cane Parade. We will start at 10 am, add lights, ornaments, and all the accessories to make it a bright and beautiful float. There will be a pizza lunch as we finish up. Then we meet up at 4:45 at the float in front of the Goldendale Primary School to climb aboard, wave, and throw candy to kids lining the streets. Join us for just decorating, just riding, or for both - we hope to see you there!
Meeting Tuesday mornings from 9:45am (coffee & chat) to 10:45am (study starts), we are looking forward to our next study “12 Daring Women of the Bible”. Each week we will learn more about amazing women, whose lives and actions will encourage and inspire us. Come and join us!
We are ready to celebrate together the themes of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, & Love. These Sundays lessons remind us of the real reason for this wonderful season. Join us as we prepare our hearts and minds for the celebration of our gift of a Savior - Jesus Christ.
Come one, come all and let’s kick off the Christmas season together as Centerville Family! Enjoy cinnamon rolls, coffee, and hot chocolate as we paint the great, big ornaments for our float in the Candy Cane Parade in Goldendale. Whether your skilled artist or a newbie painter - it won’t matter! Come and have fun with us.
Our all church Thanksgiving meal shared together is a special time for Centerville Church. Make plans to join us and, if you’d like, sign up to bring your special, signature holiday dish!
It’s our 2nd Annual Cruise-In, and we are excited!! Whether you have a car you’d like to bring and show, or know someone who’d like to show their special car - come and join us. Registration starts at 9am. There will be a number of prizes awarded - including one from the Chief of Police. See you there!
Join us on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 for coffee & time to chat, with the study starting at 11:00. Together we will search God’s Word to discover tools for conquering worry! There is much laughter, learning, and love to be found here, and we hope you can be a part of this study.
Wednesday evenings are a great time of learning and laughter, as we meet to study, learning from God’s Word and from one another! Doors open at 6:30, with coffee and treats - and study starts at 7:00.
Join us Tuesday mornings for time together, studying God’s Word and sharing life! Our winter study is ‘Thrive’ by Jennifer Cowart - an amazing study through the book of James. Come learn some practical applications of spiritual principles that will challenge and encourage us. Coffee, conversation, and laughter will be found in abundance here!
Join us for our annual candlelight Christmas Eve service, where we will sing carols, hear the Christmas story, and celebrate the birth of our Savior together.
Our Annual All-Church Dinner is a special time to gather and celebrate with thankfulness for God’s goodness over the past year. If you’d like to bring a special dish, sign-up sheets are provided so we can enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings! We hope you’ll join us for food, friendship, and fellowship.
We are excited to offer our 3rd year of Trunk or Treat, held in the Centerville Grange parking lot, where you will find great treats for kids - and adults, too! There will be hot coffee, hot chocolate, hot cider, and donuts, so come and have fun with us!
Looking for a few days of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation for your heart and soul? Then join us for our fall retreat on the cliffs overlooking Cannon Beach, Oregon. Monica Hunt returns to share her love for Jesus with us, giving us both encouragement and challenges! We will have carpools heading down on Thursday, Oct. 12 and we’ll return on Saturday, Oct 14th. Cost is $175 and scholarships are available, contact Patti McKern for details at 509.637.3068.
Ready to gather together to love, laugh, and learn? Our new study, “Steadfast Love” by Lauren Chandler offers refreshment for our souls and celebrates our faithful God. Working through Psalm 107, we will discover God’s call on hearts to worship, through the good times - and the difficult seasons. We meet at 9:30am for coffee & conversation and begin our study at 10:00am. Contact Patti McKern (509.637.3068) with any questions.
This promises to be a great summer day spent together! Bring your friends, your car, or your enthusiasm for unique autos - and we’ll provide the music, the food, and good, clean fun! Registration begins at 9:00, and the show starts at 10am. See you there!
Join us for a delightful morning playing Bocce Ball together at Maryhill Winery. Bring a sack lunch and meet us at the church at 10am. We’ll caravan down to the park and enjoy the beautiful views while we laugh, lunch, and learn a new game together!
We welcome everyone who has a heart and passion for sharing God’s Word around the world. Bringing people to Jesus by sharing His love is the heart of the Gospel and we’re excited to be a part of His work!
Join us Tuesday mornings for a time to laugh, learn, & love together. We are completing the study, “Becoming Heart Sisters” by Natalie Chambers Snapp. Come whether you’ve been a part of this study yet or not, we’d love to have you here with us!
Friendships with other women are as important to our mental, physical, and spiritual health as rest, exercise, & prayer. We don’t just want friends—we need friends. God created us for relationship. Join us in an exploration of timeless truths in the Old & New Testaments, & let’s learn how to develop & nurture the kind of enriching & satisfying friendships that build up the body of Christ & bring honor to God.
We meet Tuesday mornings at 9:30 for coffee & study starts at 10am!
Our next study promises to be one that will encourage, enlighten, and challenge our hearts as we consider the topic of God’s love for us. You won’t want to miss this time together, where women come to learn, laugh, and love together!
Our Christmas service this year will be held on Saturday, December 24th at 5:00. Come be a part of a very special service where we’ll sing Christmas carols, share communion, and hear the Christmas story. We will be home with family and friends on Sunday, and pray that God blesses your holiday with His love and joy.
We are excited to enter our local parade for the 3rd time! It’s a fun day of decorating the float in the morning, followed by meeting up in Goldendale at 4:30 to ride in the parade, sharing Centerville’s love with the people there!
It’s become a special holiday tradition, spending time together, sharing a fun activity together! Join us for Nativity Bingo & prizes, along with cinnamon rolls, donuts, coffee, hot chocolate, & cider. With our Monthly Potluck following the service, at 11:00, it promises to be a day of celebration.
Come be a part of our annual tradition - Thanksgiving Luncheon together as a church family. We’ll use the good china! And you will enjoy those delicious traditional holiday foods as we celebrate the goodness of God to our Centerville Church Family. See Patti McKern to sign up and bring your favorite part of this special meal.
Join us as we delve into the concept of Jesus' human and heavenly nature, which can be a difficult idea to wrap our minds around. He's the God who formed the universe and, at the same time, knows our personal struggles...because he went through the same things. Come and stretch your understanding about your Savior!
We welcome all to attend our annual Congregation Meeting, a time when we look back over the past year and briefly discuss our ministry & finances. It also a time to consider goals for the upcoming year and elect board officers. Members vote as necessary on board positions.
We’re meeting on Tuesday mornings and growing in our relationships with each other and our Savior. Our study for this 2022 Fall Session is entitled, “Ten Women of the Bible” by Max Lucado. Come and discover new insights into the lives of women from long ago - and how learn God is still working in our lives today. We’ll meet at 9:45am for coffee & conversation and start our study at 10am at the church. We hope you’ll join us!